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Hello! I'm a friendly peep who is knew to animating and has like 50 artstyles, lol!
Age: Ima minor thats all you need to know
Height: 5'5
Weight: 118.5 lbs
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Zodiac: Leo
Blood type: O+
Mbti: Either ENFJ or ESFJ by functions
Enneagram and tritype: 6w7 629 so/sp
Alignment: Lawful good
Socionics: EII-2FI
Tempermant: Phlegmatic-Melancholic
Hobbies: Gaming, Reading, Drawing, Watching anime, reading manga, sports, and singing.
Fav book: The Outsiders
Fav manga: JJBA
Fav game: Obey me
PFP: Simeon from Obey me

Target audience: 12-27 (But anyone can view, of course!)

Sorry for the long Bio! Don't forget to stay awesome, hehe! ^^


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