Please refer to me as spong
Buffspong on YouTube
Thespongguylmao on tiktok
I am just a meme commenter
I’m also a Dude
Not a artist at all
I’m dating a trans male
What the fuck am I supposed to say again
Biggest sakuroma simp
Alt TikTok account is thespongguyimao
Zoophiles suck
Another alt I made thespongguylmfao
3rd fucking alt on TikTok thespongguy
And also people keep saying my friend is a pedo because they sound 16 even though they are 12 and don’t even sound 16 and the person I’m talking about has about 5 or 6 lovers and all of them are 13 and one is 12 I think
My friend who is 12 is dating a 15 year old and they are afraid that the person they are dating will turn 16 before they turn 13 and so I had to comfort them just to make them think that there lover was not gonna turn 16 before they turn and I have heard they do a lot of erp’s so I’m just slightly concerned