SanyTheKitten (member of club stickyweed🌿) 🍃TEAMLEAFY🍃

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Sorry I left lol

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  SanyTheKitten (member of cl...

The stick guy

It’s not nsfw actually it’s a joke

11 months ago   Reply
  SanyTheKitten (member of cl...

I put myself in the pfp

Mama Mia you’re taller than me

11 months ago   Reply (1)
  SanyTheKitten (member of cl...

i start hallucinating when I do nothing for 9 seconds

I just stopped hallucinating like 5 hours ago. It’s 8 AM here though

11 months ago   Reply (1)
  SanyTheKitten (member of cl...

Hola estoy hablando Espanol,

你好,我的中文, y español un poco puedo yo soy malo en español, Io sonó italiana, and i Can speak English

11 months ago   Reply (1)
  SanyTheKitten (member of cl...



11 months ago   Reply (1)