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Hey! I’m Neonblade! My real name is Alex. I love anime fight scenes, so that is mostly what I’ll be doing with Stickman!
5 Following 10 Follower
Where’s his top hat
A special thanks to @lilyahhhh1234 for this idea and the character name!
Don’t worry, it takes time
I’ve seen your animations and don’t bring yourself down, keep it up! 😊
Plz follow S.T.I.C.K.M.A.N
Ok she followed me already so I’ll do her one back 👍🏻
Bro make up one 🤦🏼
that’s what a loser with no life and just hates on people would say and kenhama224 don’t take this crap from anyone you’re awesome 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Stickman battle:
My smoothest animation yet! (In my opinion)
What do mean by that? 😑
I’m actually kind of mad this has not many views, it’s amazing!
Name her (I've posted this like three times)
I was born in Japan on February 24, 19??. vol.4
So smooth! 👑