Whaaa news

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This not an account that will post.
What i will do with this account is tell whats going on
(Or reply and comment on ur post if i cant on my main)
Main is: whaaa

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  Whaaa news

What should i use

im taking a break all this drawing is making me tired and im gonna make a helmet that will look like the bomb head so im rlly busy i will take a break for 1-2 days (maybe longer)

2 years ago   Reply
  Whaaa news

very gud drawing yes (official drawing)

My bro took my tablet again so i wont post in my main acc for 1-2 days

2 years ago   Reply
  Whaaa news

Dare 7: for whaaa

Ayoo thanks for the drawing. Also my bro took my tablet so i cant comment on my main account

2 years ago   Reply (1)