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T1t4nF4ll_2 L1K3R ( Pyr0M4n...
Left this app
So fuck off
Bruh I respect my opinion that’s why an opinion is made Einstein
Im definitely not crying rn
You were at that moment weren’t you
Apparently I saw some comments from other accounts and he called someone a slut? (I have the rights to say slut I’m male to female)
My logo in Ukrainian version 🇺🇦
Dude I support you want Ukraine to get better but why are you following parraps?
aah yes...
I’m gonna have to report this you fucking pervert
I’m gonna look them up
This is a dumb question but who is Parraps and why do people hate them so much?
Idk I didn’t even know there was a parraps person I just joined a few weeks ago
I've been minused
From who?/what? :(