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+ι ғeel ѕυnny+
OCs: /ivy [main oc]/ /ivory till/ /mel st. clair/ /evelyn galibrath/ /amædia nguvu-till/ /gatia santos/
19 Following 25 Follower
i love this creacher
K posted. Lmao
Kinda wanna draw her in the style of the pilot episode
YEp I dO
Amædia: oh, hello?
“Sex toy”
I understand but have you tried to get help?
That’s not someone you should keep.
AiNt GoT rYtHm
W h y
That’s terrible, hunny. You don’t deserve.
Amædia: you too ;)
It’s for OC organization
Ty! // Amædia: thanks.
Scarlett: ...
(Crying as in sad. Not actually crying lol
Mel: *stops at the sight of her crying face* what’s wrong, sweet?
I didn't call you l a m e
I meant moonlight but hi lmao
I've been trying to talk to you e h
Hey moon :0
Happy Girl
Liza, I would like to speak with you on Discord. (It's Suki)