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I am bob and follow me or i will stalk you 🤗
2 Following 7 Follower
Vannilla season 2 trailer again lol
This is Bob he said he really likes it.
Flag vote
This is Bob he is shock because he did not even try to draw the flag but got 8!? That is insane.
I hate my life ahahfhahahahhshfhA
This is Bob he said that he has the same life on you but with little differences.
should i replace circle boi
This is Bob he said that you should not replace circle boi or you have consequences.
Challenge draw a flag for my new country romancevalentine
This is Bob he said grate. 🤗
This is Bob he ate to many ketchup and after that it makes him sleepy until he sleeps.
Fanart plx i have never get fanart on my this account
This is Bob he wants a deal with you he’s deal is he will draw fanart of you and after that you will follow me if you don’t i will delete fanart ok?
This just a repost
This is Bob he really likes this drawing.
the when (member of the sho...
This is Bob OK.
This is Bob he agrees with you and he just post this because he has no brain cells to draw anymore.
Un whitered Bonnie and whitered Bonnie
This is Bob he really likes the animation.
This is Bob he also said thank you to you for saying it’s cool.
This is Bob he said that he hates women accept for there thighs.
Jojo fan 😈😈
This is Bob he said that this is not Jojo but another universe of Jojo.
This is bob he said that he likes it so much.
This is Bob he said a that porn artists draw how your mom and dad created you.
This is Bob he doesn’t know what your saying or the animation and it’s completely not understandable.
This is Bob he doesn’t know what he is seeing.