The weird artist 🐒

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  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

*it falls onto their lao and they stop and look at it*

She breaks the ice and moves natsuo and starts to hurt him more*
*Devil appears and freezes ikehara and moves peter as hes crying*
Mom: u...ur majesty
*Devil is death staring her and the father*
*they both bow down scared*

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

They hold his waist kissing back*

Peter: babe it's fine!
Mom: idc this is my child and I'm aloud to do what I want *she moves natsuo and smacks Peter and he falls to the floor crying*

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

*they use their tongue layiny back on the bed*

*oeter is trying ti talk to the mom seeming nervous *
*the dad wobbles to oeter and smacks his head*
Dad: l..leave ur mom alone yr annoying her
Oeter: yes sir...

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

They kiss back*

Oeter: hehe nothing! *Peter covers natsuos mouth and whispers in his er*
Ur gonna get hurt they're not like ur dad enough
*the dad look ay ikehara wobbling bc he's drunk*
Oeter: sorry about that mom
Mom; whatever

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

*Devil kiss back holding aisurus face*

Peter: babe no
Mom: well where he was raised wasn't the world it was the underworld

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

They kiss his cheek gently*

Mom: who tf is that?
Peter: fiancΓ©e...
*she rolls her eyes and the dad has a beer in hid hand*
Mom: ofc u had to be with 2 men and couldn't just be with a woma

*th ey kiss back*

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

They smile*

*he invites them and they come over later *
*Peter seems on edge*

Devil: I wanna ig y wanna baby

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

*they look up at him*

*he nods looking down and his tail is down and his ears*

*rhey hold him close*
Devil: um...wanna make out or something to u get ur mind off it

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

*they cuddle into his chest*

Peter: mm...ok...

*they kiss his head*

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

*they hug him tight*

Oeter: oh um....they're not really the best....

Devil: oh baby *they hug him and kiss his cheek*

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

They laugh a bit*

*she holds him*

*they read hus mind quickly *

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

*they lick his neck*

*he comes and kisses his cheek quickly *

Devil: is there anything I can help with?

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

They rub his chest*

*he just rubs his stomach*

Devil: mm...ok -they kiss his cheek*

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

They then sit him in their lap*

*he smiles and rubs his stomach*

Devik: but i wanna help

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

*they kiss his head*

*he touches his bump wry his tail*

Drvil: are u sure..

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

*they hold him*

*he looks ay natsuo*

Devil: mm...- they look down*

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

They kiss his chekk*

*he holds him*

Devil: babe tell me what's wrong

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

They're so red*

Peter: curse

Drvil looks*

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

They kiss back dying*

*he brings him inside*

Drvil kisses his cheek then leaves a clone with the other to and goes to aisuru*
Drvil: what wrong?

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  The weird artist 🐒

Encanto girl

They kiss back*

*he catches him*

*Devil teleports him in their lap*

1 years ago   Reply (1)