Bloody girl (gf of bloody boy)

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hi im bloodyboys gf we love porn

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  Bloody girl (gf of bloody boy)

Cut in half

who the hell is serenity lol

2 years ago   Reply (4)
  Bloody girl (gf of bloody boy)

Fuck off bloody girl

ill go away if you say you love me

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  Bloody girl (gf of bloody boy)

Cut in half

why you gotta yell and swear at me im asking you kindly

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  Bloody girl (gf of bloody boy)

Cut in half

omg stop yelling at me jesus christ did your parents give you anger issues or something omg

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  Bloody girl (gf of bloody boy)


oh i'm sorry, not trying to reason with you or anything but my parents did the same thing although could you give me a chance?

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  Bloody girl (gf of bloody boy)

Cut in half

you can date at ten why are you yelling at me i love you :(

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  Bloody girl (gf of bloody boy)

Cut in half

oh im ten too sweetheart

2 years ago   Reply (3)
  Bloody girl (gf of bloody boy)

For my bf ghost eye

hi you cant get rid of me hehehehehe im dating abdel too

2 years ago   Reply
  Bloody girl (gf of bloody boy)

Cut in half

hi your cute be my bf hehehe

2 years ago   Reply (2)