GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -Offline- (member of 💚olive club❤️)

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What the FUCK do you want. >:/
I dont give a SHIT about your feelings and I never will unless your "Close too me" so whatever!
Sigh....* So for all you fucking Idiots that have no idea who the fuck GoodBoyHalo is!
GBH is a complete opposite of BBH! BbH doesn't like swearing and GBH likes swearing soooo:/
Yeah I'm from a different universe dipshit
By the way if I swear at you I'm sorry it's kinda like a role-play so uh..... yeah I'm sorry😭😭
And uh I suppose BadBoyHalo could be considered as my brother in a way....... I will swear at him playfully most of the times but other then that I guess I could try to be nice
If I start to grow close to you I will be pissed off at anyone who hurts you or is mean to you>:/
I might not try to show it unless something wrong-_-
And I might treat you as my child or a dear dear dear.... friend^^
It depends on how close we are though so uh.....

I also have a crush on someone in this app.... I may reveal who soon.

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  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -Offline-...

✨The weird artist ✨️

But I will let you know I'm gonna die just before I commit suicide when it does happen so you all know Im watching y'all, that's when it does happen though which won't be for awhile--

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -Offline-...

✨The weird artist ✨️

OK,, ^^ and I can't promise I won't but for now I won't do it.:<

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -Offline-...

To goodboyhalo

I'm from, a uh another account that's mainly where i started to develop some small feelings. You stuck with me and you tryed to partly comfort me because of something that happened and you've stayed like that^^`
You don't seem to care how one looks like, (unlike most that I know--) and I like that about you, its the same with me I don't care how good your art is or how it and you look, your very nice a careing^^
And I guess those "small feelings" have started to develop more for awhile (  ̄┏_┓ ̄)

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -Offline-...

✨The weird artist ✨️

I would rather not say who right now or this may escalate--- ;v;

2 years ago   Reply (2)
  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -Offline-...

✨The weird artist ✨️

I would consider us as being close^^ so yes, what would you consider us as?

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -Offline-...

Old Susan VS New Susan

Not trying to be rude but I like the old version better:'D

2 years ago   Reply
  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -Offline-...

✨The weird artist ✨️

OK then if you wish my dear friend, ^^

2 years ago   Reply