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Hi hope you like my art!! Likes kpop From morrocco Not saying my age Language, french, arabic and english. Favorite sport, soccer Favorite soccer player, all morocco national team, messi, neymar and Ronaldo. Gender, girl tomboy
0 跟随 10 追随者
I'm gonna leave the app if I reach 110 followers I'll come back
Oh okay
How can u draw like that??
Questions and answers
Wat country are u from?? Im from morocco!!
It's legit 6am rn
What country are you cause rn it is 12pm for me cause im in canada!!
Oh cool!! You can check out all of my animes I did about so many kpop logos!!
First art
Pretty good for your first art!! Check mine it is really really worst then ur first drawing!! Lol
Press to unlock
Smart to get views!!
Thank u!!
Ur welcome!! And, if I forgot one tell me!!!
sukadeona (leader of paws o...
Lol idk like I think more than that!!!😂😊😊
Check out my account i did bts and more!!
Mommy long legs
Blocked Studios™
I dont think I can draw them, but I will try!!!! I dont think its going to be perfect, but yeah!!!
The members or like the name???
hot 🏜️
Woow that is soo good! !!!
Uh oh...
Ur fisrt day of school is tomorrow??????? Mine is in one month!!!