GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -back (Member of the furry/cat club 🐱)

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I logged out of my other account

Pfp by me:3

name : GoodBoyHalo
Age : Unknown
Gender : Male
Likes : Spending Time With My Friends&Family I guess..., BadBoyHalo (my love<3), Jeff as a friend,.... Swearing~ And Fighting!~
Dislikes : No Swearing,No Fighting, Language lmao--,
Bff : BBH

IRL bio:
Name: Nope
Age: lol not yet-
Gender: Female -I guess-
Likes: Stuff?-- for now--
Dislikes: still stuff--
Bff in app: BBH:>
Bff IRL: No-- No--

We’re killing the Earth and that’s really "fun"🍃🍂
No one believes us because we are young🙍‍♀️🙍‍♂️
Our forests are turning to ash in a second🔥🔥🌋
Ask California, they’ll tell you about it🔥

They’ll tell you 'bout how they’ve lost all there homes🏚🔥
While Trump turns a blind eye and tweets on his phone: "Global warming's an expensive little hoax"📰📲
For the last time, this is not a joke🚫

Our factory’s are working and toxins emitting☢⚠️
The Ozone is crumbling and we won’t stop putting Chemicals in what we’re trying to breath🗣💨
Our future in stolen and we are the thieves💲💰

Sea levels are rising and icebergs are melting🌊
The coral reefs are dying and no one is helping🛑
Do you realize they keep the ocean alive?🏖
This started back in 1985🖤

Don’t come to me when your child cant think💭
Of what a tiger is 'cause they're extinct🐅☠
Don’t cry to me when your fur coat ain’t clean👘
The endangered list is now 41,416☠⚠️

Dear 2045,🌏
I don’t think we’re gonna survive☠🔥
If you end up hearing this story📒
I just wannna say: I'm sorry"

If I start to grow close to you I will be pissed off at anyone who hurts you or is mean to you>:/
I might not try to show it unless something wrong-_-
And I might treat you as my child or a dear dear dear.... friend^^
It depends on how close we are though so uh.....

I also have a crush on someone in this app.... I may reveal who soon.

Lmao I'm on this account now

And I love: BadBoyHalo (BBH( -ONLINE-....

Member of the furry/cat club 🐱)

Followers goal :

10 - follower shout outs 4 of em V

20 - contest X

30 - contest X

40 - bio reveal X

50 - voice reveal X

60 - eye reveal X

70 - Follower shout outs 6 of em V

80 - Dares V

90 - big pick a spot:3 X

100 - full face reveal X

200 - YouTube channel reveals-- X

Adopted in-app children: ✨The weird artist ✨️

Callie: h-hello!! [Loves: Cassie]

Siblings Ocs:
Piney: hi [Loves none]
Pino: fuck [Loves none]
Pina: you:3 [Loves none]

??? Ocs:
Mikey: Yooo whats up!!^^ [Loves Mika]

209 Following     125 Follower

  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -back (Me...


I'm sorry-- but Ur drawing looks good though if you ignore the cluster of sus around it-

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -back (Me...

my iPad got cracked

SO NOW I'm here on my brother device and my dad won't let me go on his so I gotta go on this WHILE he's at work or not around which is STRESSFUL WHEN YOUR BROTHER KEEPS TELLING ON YOU BECAUSE HE WANTS HIS FRICKING DEVICE BACK WHEN ALL YOU WANT TO DO IS SEE YOUR FRIENDS EVEN THOUGH THIS COULD END UP VERY BADLY 😭😭😭😭

2 years ago   Reply
  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -back (Me...

my iPad got cracked

Wow mine got thrown down the stairs by my father AFTER the charger part broke off AND the WHOLE screen cracked. :'3

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -back (Me...

I hate myself

Same-. Past me was. Much better..

2 years ago   Reply
  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -back (Me...

Olive stuff

Yea sis left her account and is here now but I insist on putting her account there.

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -back (Me...

Olive stuff

I don't know exactly, I assume she's trying to mark someone, once she does she'll be attached to that person, she'll protect that person, help care for their needs, and follow their orders but there's a twist... after all that, when the time is right, she'll do something to them, EITHER, kill them or love them,

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -back (Me...

Olive stuff

She just adds those weird af purple things on her cheeks she calls them her "Markings"

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -back (Me...

Olive stuff

Oh no not that, it's only because she has really really terrible social anxiety ((like me)) and sometimes her anxiety just randomly strikes her causing her to have a mini anxiety attack-

2 years ago   Reply (1)
  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -back (Me...

fan-arts :3

If you do any more then me please 😔🤧✨

2 years ago   Reply
  GoodBoyHalo (GBH( -back (Me...

Olive stuff

Oh she came over to me and handed me the tablet, I asked what's wrong she said her Anxiety suddenly just struck so she left

2 years ago   Reply (1)