Big Man 42 (weekly)

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Not weekly anymore, i guess,
But hey, atleast i am back

9 Following     45 Follower

  Big Man 42 (weekly)


Call off duty? Is that the reason?

1 years ago   Reply
  Big Man 42 (weekly)


Uh.. great

1 years ago   Reply
  Big Man 42 (weekly)


Why an animal abuser though?
Was it just like
"Women are kinda hot"
"U fucking animal abuser"

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Big Man 42 (weekly)

Whats the weirdest thing you told someone or someone called you?

"oi, u ginger headed cryingass bowl cut having, thinass man." I was just playing a game of pokemon showdown with him btw

1 years ago   Reply
  Big Man 42 (weekly)

Guys Big Man 42 (weekly) was being racist to African


1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Big Man 42 (weekly)

πŸ‡«πŸ‡³ kcid a ru, em etah fiπŸ‡«πŸ‡³....

Tbh i am also half african soooo...,⚫'-'

1 years ago   Reply
  Big Man 42 (weekly)

Half of me is barely visible in space

Ok color and background is the theme of the joke, i am not disrespecting ur race, sorry lol

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Big Man 42 (weekly)


He got no mouth, Is that guy gonna drink with his eyes

1 years ago   Reply (1)
  Big Man 42 (weekly)

RedBall Web Use Acc

Ok i fricking accept it

1 years ago   Reply
  Big Man 42 (weekly)

I Suck At Draw Anime

Also.... hold up, so the shining of that hair is represented with light brown color, so what is the white stuff on her hair βŠ™_βŠ™. I feel like i shouldn't know

1 years ago   Reply
  Big Man 42 (weekly)

I Suck At Draw Anime

Its really good though

1 years ago   Reply
  Big Man 42 (weekly)

Everyone hates me and my friends didn't care

._. Just don't care bout them, what are they gonna do? Block u or just cry more.

1 years ago   Reply (1)