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Hi I'm from a planet that is all fire but welcome to Anime Maker
Here are things about me My name is: Kalala My color is: black and red I'm : always happy My fav toy:voodoo dolls Hobbies:scaring
13 Following 8 Follower
Hardly Quinn but with her twin
Dare #2
Umm what about monarch butterfly!
I don't think it's bad at all you do way good!!!!
It's not sloppy maybe on the bus you do it for a while!
You could do more!
Ya can u or no?
I like it it's cool!
Woah is that a girl boast?
Oh I thought you left :the dare is draw something pretty out side plez
Dude are you there still
I have a nother dare for u
Innocence the Bunny
That's just funny and cute
Could you do more please ur pictures are real good!
The picture is so cuter ures
You should look at my Hardly Quinn twin picture please
Thx I added a nother part took look like her twin sis
Dare Rythem
Dare #1
The one two hardly Quinn s