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Hi I'm from a planet that is all fire but welcome to Anime Maker
Here are things about me My name is: Kalala My color is: black and red I'm : always happy My fav toy:voodoo dolls Hobbies:scaring
13 Following 8 Follower
I real like it so much it looks like my wow persone
Aww thanks!
I hope u both have a better day tomorrow!
We could always take to each other
Ur both nice and sweet
I'll follow u back
No it's sad if someone is bullied
You could stay by a teacher the hole time if you see them find a teacher
My charmander irl
Tell you parents!
That's good but do that if they do it again
You know what you should just tell the principle about w the people are doing to u
I'm sorry for you so much!
That's just me for people bulling for ur name!!!!
I'm sorry for both of u to by being bulled at school most of the tinme
Ur nice and I don't think you should be billed at all!
Wen I saw it I was like awwwwww that's so cute!!!
I'm so sorry for you but I believe in you that you could draw more!!!!!!!!!!
Hardly Quinn but with her twin
Ur vary nice too!!!!
How bad was ur day?