£Peache The Amethyst£

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Crippled Potatoes.
That’s me! :P
Q & A:
Q: Does u have a seeeeenpai? :>
A: yesh. my sweet senpai lily -//-
Q: What’s ur favorite food?
A: cHiNnnnNnNnnESE
Q: what’s ur species brah?
A: iM a GEeEeEM. (gem.)

1 Following     83 Follower

  £Peache The Amethyst£

Shadow Only.

Karm: -giggles and starts laughing- stop! stop! hehehe.

6 years ago   Reply
  £Peache The Amethyst£

PeAcHe oNlY plS

1st Prize: -hugs- :3

6 years ago   Reply
  £Peache The Amethyst£

PeAcHe oNlY plS

SweeP: -sWEePS Juno into a wall and hides in closet.- ||| 1st Prize: -turns slowly but sees Juno.- I a m c o m i n g f o r u -runs up to them-

6 years ago   Reply
  £Peache The Amethyst£

PeAcHe oNlY plS

Baldi: n o p e -teleports to beginning- ||| SweeP: But I’ll SweeP ya ;>

6 years ago   Reply
  £Peache The Amethyst£

PeAcHe oNlY plS

Baldi: s m a c c. || SweeP: -sWEePS towards Baldi-

6 years ago   Reply
  £Peache The Amethyst£

Dirty mind test

Hills and mountains

6 years ago   Reply
  £Peache The Amethyst£

PeAcHe oNlY plS

SweeP: I’m gonna SweeP you off your feet ;) -sWEePS near Baldi-

6 years ago   Reply
  £Peache The Amethyst£

Shadow Only.

((KaRm iTs nOt gOoD tO liE)) Karm: I’m not either. ||| Mark: -puts hand on his cheek and falls asleep again.-

6 years ago   Reply
  £Peache The Amethyst£

PeAcHe oNlY plS

SweeP: iM cOmInG fOr tHat swOOPy -sweeps Juno-

6 years ago   Reply
  £Peache The Amethyst£

PeAcHe oNlY plS

SweeP: sweepity SWOOTY

6 years ago   Reply
  £Peache The Amethyst£

Shadow Only.

Karm: ehh. tickling you?. I’m not ticklish(lies.) but I thought you were. •-• ||| Mark: -opens eyes and looks at Kai.- ~v~

6 years ago   Reply
  £Peache The Amethyst£

Posin meme.

I’m fEEliNg gReEaET

6 years ago   Reply