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Hello there... I'm Moon Spice, and I really like to draw, blah blah blah I'm random and ender-stuff, blah blah blah video games and stupid stuff like Minecraft...
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Bruh it's been a year lmao
Welcome to real life kiddo
My life is a fucking nightmare
Maria: If you keep sitting here and complaining, it isn't gonna get any better
My neighbors are mean to me
Bitch slap them*
Maria: Suck it up and butch slap them///Ashley: DON'T HURT ANYONE
Types of people in Anime Maker
And the one who makes random shorts
Cheers *hic* Mate *hic* ~<3
Maria: Don't get too drunk, I don't wanna have to drive anyone to the hospital tonight
Inky can't do it
Ashley: Boys do that when they're trying to be cool. They don't wanna look desperate for you, even though they totally are
Pink diamond is pregnant??? Part 1: worried
You spelled it wrong. It's "Pregananant"
Ashley: I request... that you hang out at my house!///Maria: Ashley, no
Ashley: DAB ON EM
Hello Kevin.
Inkling:-Thinks of two people-
Ashley: now GO FIND TRUE LOVE!
Ashley: Follow your heart//Maria: Choose the one that is more likely to like you back
Ashley: Need some help?
Ashley and Maria
Ashley: Not awesome... not for my face at least
Pick a spot (meme)
3 as Ashley... please
Bon Bon is taking over today!!!
Craig is taking over today!!
Do you have my mail?