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My cousin drew this

Can the two humans shit out their own spine and then puke out their eyeballs? If you make an animation like that then show me! Can’t wait to see more!

1 years ago   Reply

The painful dares

Collapse on your carpet and shit out your own bladder! Can’t wait to see what you do with that dare!

1 years ago   Reply

Flash (flash warning)

EPPIIIIICC! Could the colours be all brown and red. And could you also make the background look more fleshy and like skin? Can’t wait to see more!

1 years ago   Reply

Falling test

Great job! Wonder what he’s falling off of. When he hits the ground can he just start shutting everywhere? And could some of it get in his mouth? Can’t wait to see more!

1 years ago   Reply


I love wide blue man! Could you draw him shitting everywhere and bursting into pieces. Don’t be afraid to get graphic and show his intestines and sure to focus on his nerves and arteries. Can’t wait to see more!

1 years ago   Reply


Good morning!! Could you wake up then shit everywhere on your bed then smear it on yourself? Can’t wait to see more!

1 years ago   Reply

Shout out to animatrix

Yooo!! Could Animatrix collapse in on himself and shit everywhere on a velvet carpet? If not then I’m not watching. Can’t wait to see more!

1 years ago   Reply

Do you want som CAKE

I personally don’t like cake that much but I’ll always have one from you! Could the cupcake collapse in on it self and shit out it’s respiratory system! Can’t wait to see more of your amazing drawings!!

1 years ago   Reply

For kedomonos eevee challenge

Woah dude!! This is sick!! I always loved playing Pokémon! Just the thought of them collapsing and shitting their organs out always made me happy! Can’t wait to see more!

1 years ago   Reply

Gender reveal

Ooh a gender reveal. If you were a girl could collapse in on yourself and shit out your uterus. And if you’re a boy could you collapse in on yourself and shit out all your sperm? Can’t wait to learn more about you!

1 years ago   Reply

Draw me please

This rainbow eyes are pretty coolio! Could he just collapse in on himself and shit out some of his leg tissue? Amazing drawing! When is the next one?

1 years ago   Reply

Random monster

Gnarly broo! Looks pretty cool! Could it lay down on the floor and just shit out it’s entire digestive track? Amazing drawing all around! 10/10

1 years ago   Reply

This is dream my new oc

Dream as in the YouTuber? But seriously this guy looks super cool and he could get up to some pretty cool shenanigans. Also could he collapse in on himself and shit out his bladder? When is the next OC?

1 years ago   Reply

Wiggily line

HOLY SHIT. Now this is some truly amazing art! I wonder how the line would shit out his own fucking oesophagus. When is the next animation?

1 years ago   Reply

Q and A

Why are you so talented at art. Also can you make an animation where the blue guy collapses in on himself and shits out his own intestines. Then explodes to bits.

1 years ago   Reply

What have I created

OH SHIIIT. He’s back! Can this nifty thing get shoved up my ass? When’s the next animation?

1 years ago   Reply


HOLY SHIT THAT WAS EPIIC!! Although he didn’t shit out his lungs and exploded to bits, this was a pretty good finale! When is the next series?

1 years ago   Reply

Second last episode

Damn Metal must be really strong if he wants to fight this purple guy. I wish this series could last forever. I’m really excited for the finale. My prediction is that he shits out his own lungs and he explodes to bits.

1 years ago   Reply

Another thing happend

Oh shiiit! Things just got real! At this point the purple guy is so bad that I want him to jump off a building and kill himself! When is Episode 6?

1 years ago   Reply


Oh no!!! The blue guy just died!! I’ve been routing for him this entire series. Wonder what they’ll do to stop him! Hopefully he’ll shit out his own kidneys and implode himself to bits. When is Episode 5?

1 years ago   Reply