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I'm a cute little muffin
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k imma head out✌️ (gn)
Let's bully people together today at 8 pm
Hey menace
(read rentry)
God damn I didnt need to read this paragraph and I already know you butthurt
“I think I’m dying..”
What in the fuck is happening in the comments And who fucked up your character???
Like my new pfp ? 👁 👁
Well it is fucking gay Suits you pretty well
Man 2nd year anniversary of what?? Stealing characters and claiming them as your own? Looks like shit just like your non existent personality
Hate comments?
Bro who you trynna fool 💀 Listen to the hate maybe your art style won't look like a racoon on steroids
Jevil: Remember kids kids, never get old
Your character reminds me of the gay serial killer "Joe Metheny" who fed people burgers made of human remains to other people and would molest little boys and butcher them
More like Niccas
Sick bro, looks awesome
my boy
Engagement is bad cause you can't spam your anime for views anymore. Too bad