0FFLINE(This account is being shared by people not constantly or oftenly, This owner of this account has now officially give zero shits)

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Status: [REDACTED]
Goofy Animator
(Poof goes your p[&&&*])- by my irl best friend/card co-creator/ youtuber, cooper

Age: ["That's Classified, pal"]

Things I simp for: Carmen From spooky month cuz AWWWOOOOOOGA

Zodiac: ♍️ Virgo♍️ (The Earth Type)

My time has come😌
Goodbye artists...

Now actually

Work status: Freelance fnf artist (not paid)

168 Following     205 Follower

  0FFLINE(This account is bei...

Birthday ❤


5 months ago   Reply
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...

Fundraiser⊕Levée de fonds

Bet you 6 bucks👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾

5 months ago   Reply
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


Asher: Ehm..S-Sure!W-We'll go for that!"

5 months ago   Reply (1)
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


Asher: "A-...I-uh...W-Well." *blushes*

5 months ago   Reply (1)
  0FFLINE(This account is bei...


*Asher carries her like a bride*
Asher: Whatcha got a taste for, hun?

5 months ago   Reply (1)