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Bro won’t let me rest 🫠

Heya, Eggs.

I know you probably won’t care about a stranger online who wrote this, but hear me out. Apologies if I bothered you/and if you’re busy. No, this is not a troll account or anything like that. Sorry if it’s so random as well. A few years ago I admired your art along with two others people, which led me to steal some OCs from you and two others (Jen and Julian) and recreate them on a game. Am I proud now? No. I have no excuses for what I did and I take full responsibility for it. You have every right NOT to accept this and that’s okay. They don’t have to accept it either. I haven’t done the thing since and I no longer ‘use’ the characters that rightfully belong to you and them as well. I apologize for what I did and even if won’t gonna cut it, I hope it’s at least a bit alright. I promise I will never do something like this again and I’ll make sure of it. I’m continuing to be a better person in life and I’ll move on eventually. If you took the time to read this, thank you.

8 months ago   Reply (1)