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Kiruto's toxic friend
4 Following 6 Follower
Mike Tyson
Maybe later
Adult, that's all I can say
I don't understand anything
Never heard of it
The what
He ain't thinkin, why would you
Imma piss on yo grave after I got your adress
Hell yea
Ight cuh
Idk if yo black but if yo not, you can have a pass, only works on this "damned" nigga
Do so
I'm black, I was born wit the pass
But I ain't a grasy discord mod
Cuh can't even roast, FUNDRAISER, THIS NIGGA'S A KID
Nigga no one ever said you were scared, bro's like "I'm not scared, I'm better I'm stronger" while you a pussy behind a screen yo musty greasy discord mod ass
Is that...supposed to be a roast or something ?
Bro thinkd it's an alt, I didn't know this nigga till today, you lil bitch, bitch ass whore, nigga thinks he's right to everything that dumb bitch