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OCs:Chang, Chain, Ayancot, shadow, lover Follow me for a chance to be followed back!
6 Following 9 Follower
Eyeless Jackie contest
what? how is this cute?
i made the animation
Wat im wearing for the party
nice outfit gurl!
Cat OC
Party in the comments here is my look Everyone is invited!
she can be a bummer lots
cus i can. now go party, shadow!
shadow:ship, why do you bring me?
good to hear!
how you feeling happywolfgirl?
Rainbow and Nova already married!!!
my ship has sail B-3
Papito Meme
Guess Whos Alive Alive Again Thx To Shimmering Ty
it's okie
I'm the one who saved chu.
Anyone found the jewel?
*uses jewel on Happywolfgirl*
I have a spare one. Cus I can from heaven.
Nobody has still found the jewel a hint food
fridge? why would it bein the fridge? *looks around the fridge*
help me plz
(0) = )