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Go find my new account bye my friends...
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About Pereth
( brb ) River purr
( I'm slowly dieing.....) river: * blushes and cuddles around both of them tighter*
( sorry I was gone I was getting medicine for my throat) river: ppuurrr
* looks at monster and cuddles him too* river: ppuurrr
* river wraps around pereth and licks his head * River: =}
I have a fever
Aaaaaaa I can't breath I need some medicine!!!!
* puts hand on glass* Ash: DDIIIIIEEEEGGGGGOOOOO!!!!~~~
Ash: ok then~
River: hi pereth
Ash: what bruises I don't see any bruises...
Ash: nope =3 * smiles and covers his eyes*
Ash: it's nothing
* tail wags and looks at bruises * ash : heh
Ash: you better be ~~ * looks at him and giggles a little *
* looks shocked and turns away* Ash: no!!
Ash: ~~~ * smiles*
Ash: I don't ... * is lying and blushes more*
I am but he I guess
* hisses and then stops , blushes insanely and purrs * Ash: ~~~