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I've been defecaţed

I will now do what you wish Mr London

2 months ago   Reply (1)



2 months ago   Reply


So little animals have done to get me back but succeeded
I might as well not give up there's doing cuz it will work

You are scared you you wouldn't like to see you try to get rid of I

2 months ago   Reply

GASTER 🇺🇲🇮🇪✝️✡️ Mr.London,✝...

Yes I will always be yes no matter how little I try
I care who I am and whare I came from
I'm messing with the right person

2 months ago   Reply (1)


Bad try I can get rid of you yes Matter how little I try I'm your enemy now
And theres something you can do to stop you

2 months ago   Reply