Bizz_the moth:3

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Hi it’s me bizz_the moth:3 just here to say I love my little friends and that’s it oh also I’m a family friendly page pfp art hose to Leo Larson go follow them if else…

🧡: not online
🤍:phone dead
You are awesome
Water and god gave me ocean-Zoe random

65 Following     44 Follower

  Bizz_the moth:3


Wanna do a fan art trade I mean I’m not doing anything else so

2 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

Gimme all your reptiles

Her have a cupcake lizard

2 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

The N.0

Because that’s just the way I drew her

2 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

The N.0

She is not a dog she is frightened

2 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

I'm just gonna officially say I'm a therian

Ima thiren to my exasperations were when I was little I ran around like an animal and i also would howl like a coyote and they said it sounded like an actual coyote also I make masks and I’m saving money for a tail😄

2 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

Nam nam

Yay also are you going to do the axoloutl thing if so are you almost done

2 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

Fanart/art trade with Ani girl

Thank you I’m working on yours

2 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3


Pat pat

2 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

★Randomthedime★ (leader of ...

Now I’m scared I had to completely open my eyes for this sh** but all in all it’s cool

2 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3


*bang** bang*let me in let me in!!!

2 weeks ago   Reply