Bizz_the moth:3

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Hi it’s me bizz_the moth:3 just here to say I love my little friends and that’s it oh also I’m a family friendly page

🧡: not online
🤍:phone dead
You are awesome
Pfp art goes to Leo_larson go fallow them or else…
Water and god gave me ocean-Zoe random

55 Following     38 Follower

  Bizz_the moth:3


Bizz would love to meet them:D

6 days ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

SammyIsCool ™️

Does that mean you are going to do it

1 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

Mini muffin

I’m sorry my memories fuzzy I’m not sure I just woke up from a nap so how about I put your name on it and we call it a day friend

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

Mini muffin

Well not after but while I was making it sorry that I got confused

1 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

Mini muffin

No not really bizz is my fursona I saw your post after i made it

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

What no she’s a moth she probably don’t taste good 0-0

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

Fursona for me

It’s so cute

1 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3


I love it

1 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

Zoe/random 🎆

Bizz: ohhhh that makes more since😃
Me: thank you for explaining that because to me bizz is my child and I will do anything to protect her small butterfly mind

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3

Oliver: welp

BIZZ:Hi I’m here and I-… what is thisssssssssssssss*gliched out voice*
Me: it’s something called a ship my friend you are young *covers bizzes eyes* keep going friend😅

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Bizz_the moth:3


Ok thanks

1 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3


You do and I’m glad to be one

1 weeks ago   Reply
  Bizz_the moth:3

Devi person ( leader of ...

No his name is fizz and the other one’s name is bizz none of them are named rizz

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)