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The uh, Original account was lost, Couldnt really access the original account since i have also forgotten the password for it, I tried to find a way but couldnt get it, Since the original owner wasnt me, But rather a friend in which he gave me the account when i was asking for a gmail account since i do not know how to create one, I may have created one, But the data is lost and been deleted since in the previous phone that had it factory reset due to a problem in the system, Anyways, It has been what like 4 to 3 years?, Alright then, Get back into it, AND IM ALIVE YOU CONSPIRECY THEORIESTS, Also hi again, But ill be drawing for fun and entertainment, Since thats what i usually do And i believe i have created another account like it But didnt really feel intrested in that at best, Lol, But hey!, I hope thisll be another start, Also when viewing my past it was, Very very inconspicously an embarrassing, Like literally, One time, Very edgy dark room, Lol Anyways, Ive like literally come back anonymously, Like in a sense of different accounts and different personas, And etc, Also thanks for reading, If you have been even been reading all of it, Thanks, And ill say this, Look into the good side of things, Not just the bad sides. Even when you are in the darkest times of your life, There will be people thatll help or try to, But you are the solver and the problem, And this is one factor of truth, Your choice and what you do will always matter, Even how it seems insignificant and useless it may seem, It will effect you and others.

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🦆🍵 [We may talk about it more. I kind of found some insights about it and what may i do to try and support you with it. But have you experienced past rejections and conflictions from others?. That may be a question. This generally is a normal thing to feel for alot of people, Since many teens experience this when having dealt with that type of experience with a past friend of theirs or any other. You can try and reflect on yourself to be honest. It may be benificial, It is common to feel worried or conflicted at times, even when things seem stable externally.
Also about the uh memes youve been doing, Have you been doing it for the acceptance or coping?. Just a question, But i dont mind. <urh>
You may try either to talk about it with a therapist or your friends.]

4 months ago   Reply (1)

King of the npc


4 months ago   Reply

🍷Zilo🎭 (founder of felixlib...

⚖️🦆[私は絶対的なアヒルとしての義務を果たしました。私の欠点は最初で最後、最後で最初です。彼らは私を見つけましたが、私が彼らに何をしたか見てください。 ]

4 months ago   Reply

Explosion 💥


4 months ago   Reply

Jet dive


4 months ago   Reply


🦆 [なんてこった]

4 months ago   Reply (1)

The evil twin

🔪🦆 *shank*

4 months ago   Reply

Mike you have been invited...

🦆 [Invited to wut?]

4 months ago   Reply

🍷Zilo🎭 (founder of felixlib...

🔪🦆 [あなたは私を怒らせた。私の血統。私の人種。私の人々。私のパン。私の食べ物。私は何度もあなたを拷問し、その後、あなたを生き返らせる方法を見つけて、拷問を終わらせるつもりです。私はあなたを生き返らせます。そして再びあなたを苦しめます。あなたが感じる唯一の安らぎは死の甘い味です。あなたは人間も神も想像もしなかったような苦しみを経験するでしょう それは不可能でした。あなたは肉体的にも精神的にも永遠に苦しみ続けることになるでしょう。 ]

4 months ago   Reply (1)

🍷Zilo🎭 (founder of felixlib...

🔪🦆 *Stares at you coldly*

4 months ago   Reply (1)

Ice cream? 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳

🦆 [I remember seeing these]

4 months ago   Reply

milk tea in a soda can


4 months ago   Reply


4 months ago   Reply