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The uh, Original account was lost, Couldnt really access the original account since i have also forgotten the password for it, I tried to find a way but couldnt get it, Since the original owner wasnt me, But rather a friend in which he gave me the account when i was asking for a gmail account since i do not know how to create one, I may have created one, But the data is lost and been deleted since in the previous phone that had it factory reset due to a problem in the system, Anyways, It has been what like 4 to 3 years?, Alright then, Get back into it, AND IM ALIVE YOU CONSPIRECY THEORIESTS, Also hi again, But ill be drawing for fun and entertainment, Since thats what i usually do And i believe i have created another account like it But didnt really feel intrested in that at best, Lol, But hey!, I hope thisll be another start, Also when viewing my past it was, Very very inconspicously an embarrassing, Like literally, One time, Very edgy dark room, Lol Anyways, Ive like literally come back anonymously, Like in a sense of different accounts and different personas, And etc, Also thanks for reading, If you have been even been reading all of it, Thanks, And ill say this, Look into the good side of things, Not just the bad sides. Even when you are in the darkest times of your life, There will be people thatll help or try to, But you are the solver and the problem, And this is one factor of truth, Your choice and what you do will always matter, Even how it seems insignificant and useless it may seem, It will effect you and others.

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[What about you?, What goes for you?]

4 months ago   Reply


✨✨✨ [I have been raised and taken care of both by my parents and myself, But most important by Him.]

4 months ago   Reply (1)


🔎 [Im in a tired and pissed of mood so dont expect me to just be fully respectful, Atleast im trying to be even when he did that to ya, I sense a sense of doubt in my damn heart.]

4 months ago   Reply (2)


[Why should i be saying sorry now?, well then, sorry i guess for saying the truth about you, And verily insulting you.]

4 months ago   Reply (1)


[How much of a pathetic cunt are you to even attempt it yet again?, How much of a degenerate do you have to be to just see kid's terror and anguish, And even if clicked it, you wont be seeing where i am. I guarantee you you will see something like 128. 1 .186. 122]

4 months ago   Reply (1)


[Hahaha like i wont know.]

4 months ago   Reply


[Are you really doing this shit?]

4 months ago   Reply (2)


🍵[Too late for a warning.]

4 months ago   Reply (3)


[You cannot ruin the ruined my friend, Ive been ruined many times already. What do you expect me to do?, take action and try and dox you too?. ]

4 months ago   Reply


[The actions that youve commited has been already been done, You have yet to see the punishments that lie ahead, The damage has been done, And so will the damage be done to you. It may seem its over but it is yet to even start.]

4 months ago   Reply (1)


[Got it?, Now then youve got it, what will you be doing now.]

4 months ago   Reply (2)


[Hmm this is interesting]

4 months ago   Reply (2)


[Glad i brought that up.]

4 months ago   Reply (1)


😭[Awh using emotional appeal fallacy ey?, You didnt actually have to do that if you did you know. And how would i react? OH NO DONT DO THAT!!, haha no. you are verily lying.]

4 months ago   Reply


[Nanomachines son. They harden to response of physical trauma!]

4 months ago   Reply (1)