封锁这个用户 报告该用户
3 跟随 0 追随者
You gotta girlfriend?
I thought that’s what it said and your not that much older than me
I thought you said “I hope you like kraken kid” don’t fucking “bruh” me
Wait nvm I’m stupid I thought it said “hope you like kraken kid”
Your not that much older than me
Don’t call me kid
And then we can go to my house and watch movies all night
Yessss ofc
Whatever you want and we’ll go to the beach andddd idk
I willll come over we can have fun
I’ll fly you out
Come over👀.. IM FUCKING W YOU
You should
I hate auto correct cuz I’ll be like “your” and it’ll say “you’re🤓”
Your welcome
Oh happy early birthday💗💗
When’s yours?