chicken of the sea

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I'm not sharing my main account
And I'm here to just say that people calling that one teen jevil a fat jester or whatever her name is, a pedophile are wrong.

Allow me to explain what really went down from all the info I've gathered from my deep research on this topic.
(And I mean we are actually starting from the beginning of where this artist started and how they ended)

Jevil/flower/cake used to be a total nobody who (I think) came here from roblox back when he/she/they were 13, back then they had an account named (I don't actually know the name I'm just going off information I've heard from other people) I think the name was "flowercakemix" and she used to post very bad art that literally looked like a 5 year old was drawing it.

However she made a new account (from what I was told) and apparently improved on her skills or something, and over time she became a bit popular from being nice and upbeat with people, that was back when she had turned 14 when she started to get more noticed by the public (again this is what I've been told and have been hearing of, so I am not 100% certain on her full background story guys.)

Over time she had been getting more popular and 1 day a kid called (don't know there name, we'll just call them "TwinkleToes" for the sake of making this easier to follow along with) so twinkletoes (from what I gathered) asked the fourteen year old "jevil" if she wanted to date or something, (and also from what I've heard, TwinkleToes and Jevil had both been lying to each other about there ages, TwinkleToes telling Jevil they were 12/13 and Jevil telling TwinkleToes she was 9/10. So both guilty of lying about there ages here) so then Jevil said yes probably, and the two of them dated for less than a year I think, then Jevil dumped TwinkleToes, and then dated someone else who we're gonna call HopScotch for now, so now Jevil was with HopScotch when she was now in the ages of 15, (I think) HopScotch and Jevil liked each other I guess, they did stay together in a back and forth relationship until Jevil turned 17 when she broke up with HopScotch, (again let me explain this, HopScotch wasn't the second younger child, HopScotch was someone older "from what I heard")

Anyway, Jevil and HopScotch broke up once before she broke things off with HopScotch because Jevil apparently had a one day relationship with someone else who I'm gonna call Amber (again I Don't know these peoples names, I only know about the kid called Jevil because she was some popular artist at one point in time on here.)

Amber and Jevil only lasted 1 day before Jevil left Amber, Amber apparently threw a fit or tantrum about it for a couple of weeks or months, but got over it, and Jevil went back with HopScotch until he was 17, like I stated earlier.

Jevil never had sexual interests in either one of the two children she had dated, and was only with said children for short time periods until breaking them both off, she's not a pedophile, but she did groom 2 younger kids one unintentionally becauseneither of them knew each others actual ages at said time (from what I was told, again I Don't know if it's for certain but this is what I gathered)

Then we skip ahead to when Jevil was about to turn 18, when all of hell broke loose upon the once upbeat and friendly artist, she was being called all sorts of things and given death threats and stalked online (from what I heard)

And on top of that a lot of his friends left him and followers too, but he apparently still had a lot of people who still talked with him actively and willingly, and wanted to remain friends with him.

His rise and fall were both bitter and sweet, bitter for those who were his friends, and sweet for those who wanted to see the idle of others fall into darkness, and now here it's been almost a year since the great jevil a fat jester has vanished from this app, small bits if her and her legacy/dark stories still floating around this app.

Where are they now? No one knows, but from some small rumors I've heard (from on discord) she committed suicide.
This is just a rumor though, so don't take it too seriously

If he's still alive, I just hope he's getting the mental help needed and getting better, I don't hate the man's guts to the point of wishing death upon him, if anything I feel bad seeing how mental she was, a lot of what she had said and done was kind of questionable, but she still had some decent parts about her and her personality.

I can Only hope she's getting better wherever she is now, and stopped having any interactions with younger children, but that's all I've gathered about this kid.

I am not doing a deep dish on Abdel we all already know the full story behind that dickhead.


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  chicken of the sea

i just realized jevil a fat jester or something is gone

People were and still are accusing them of being a pedophile, he did however admit to online dating with 2 younger people when he or she was at the ages of 14 and 15, which some might say still counts as grooming, but there was never sexual behaviors involved in any of her interactions with younger children.

And no I am not saying online dating with younger children when he was 14/15 is fully okay, but the man isn't a pedophile at least.

9 months ago   Reply (1)
  chicken of the sea

why haven't I seen Jevil in forever

I am 100% not saying what they did was okay, but they weren't a pedophile

9 months ago   Reply
  chicken of the sea

why haven't I seen Jevil in forever

A pedophile is someone who has sexual physical interests with a young child and has sex with them.

Jevil admitted to online dating with 2 younger people when they were supposedly 14 and 15, but that's not called a pedo.

9 months ago   Reply (1)
  chicken of the sea

The history of this app is crazy

And parraps is a big dumbo

9 months ago   Reply
  chicken of the sea

The history of this app is crazy

The kid who called themself jevil or whatever wasn't a pedophile btw, but they did admit to online dating 2 younger kids, which is still weird but not considered pedophilia.

9 months ago   Reply