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How in the world does one format this? About me I guess.

My name is Lana, or whatever you desire to call me
I am 14 years old
I go by any pronouns idrc and I'm bisexual (because that's important I guess)
I draw sometimes, usually whenever I have the motivation to do so
Used to have an account on here about a year or two ago but stopped posting and deleted my account for a while, can't remember what my old name was probably something similar

My socials;
Discord: commandercarbs (where I'm most active)
Instagram; commandercarbs (I post pictures there sometimes)
Roblox: CommanderCarbs (I play sometimes, not very often)
Steam friend code: 1485807832 (I have many games)

I don't really care who interacts with my work I assume most of the people here are around teenagers give or take so just don't be weird I suppose
I don't have a schedule for posting, I post whenever I have the motivation to draw
If you aren't comfortable with certain topics (whether it be nsfw or me venting about something) I don't suggest interacting with those posts, I will try to put warnings on them however
I tend to talk about a lot of different things, whether it be my interests, thoughts, feelings, etc. Some things I mention may be a bit inaproppriate but this is my page if you dont like it I don't care

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The S.A.C.A. - Reach Out

I was here for the abdel thing and honestly I couldn't care less

23 hours ago   Reply

I had to break up with my girlfriend.

Ow I'm sorry you guys had to do that, hope you both are doing okay

1 days ago   Reply (1)

☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

Aw thank you, I appreciate that s lot :)

2 days ago   Reply


Low iron is entirely possible though I feel like it could be more than just that

2 days ago   Reply


Thank you, she appreciates it :)

2 days ago   Reply


Is she trying to get rid of you???

2 days ago   Reply (1)

☢️Tox Fox💚 (founder of fel...

I'm a middle school girl lol but I guess it depends on them. If their the douchey kind and are just entitled or annoying then yeah I agree. Some of the ones I know are chill but I feel like both middle school guys and middle school girls have their own sets of issues, so they can't really be compared

4 days ago   Reply (1)


I hope you guys keep it up :)

5 days ago   Reply (1)


Not judging you for that, if it works for you it works :) my only issue is if your around that age and have multiple short relationships :')

5 days ago   Reply (1)


my biggest pet peeve fr

1 weeks ago   Reply


the word 'Ok' has been said 856 times and 805 of them are from you

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)

COMMANDER CARBS won the raffle!

Oh yayy :) I didn't think I'd win and I don't really name my characters but you could pick whichever one you'd like to draw for it 💀

1 weeks ago   Reply


Never drawn angel before, might have to be as a cat but I can try later today

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)