Save Abdel Alliance - For a better future

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Welcome to the Save Abdel Corporation, thank you for joining our corporation! This is a place where we can offer insights on Abdel, his entire life and history, his relationships, why he was banned, and if he deserved it (while its most likely he didnt, as he didnt do anything wrong.) Here, we strive to get things right, and to help and inform our community and other communities about this matter, so that we can all be the best version of ourselves, and strive to do, and be better, in the name of Abdel, Amen. :)

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  Save Abdel Alliance - For a...


He was already removed from here, unfortunately.

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Save Abdel Alliance - For a...


We believe in truth and justice, and we believe that the screenshots were faked and photoshopped, as people dont like popular people, and people dont like people who are more talented than then, so they decide to make things up. We believe that while this action to fake and photoshop is not excusable, we aim for forgiveness, and understanding on why they did this to him. He did not deserve to be removed, nor did he deserve the hate he received on this app, as we aim for understanding.

1 weeks ago   Reply (4)