Blue cat

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I am the official account of blue cat, welcome!

What should I say here?
Should I say I'm a blue cat?

I'm happy to say that my best friend is _🖤 Shadow 🖤_√⃝⃝
Follow it! It's great

This is my account to chat and draw

My other account is called blue cat world
And it is exclusive for series

I like dogs and cats


5 Following     9 Follower

  Blue cat


Es mejor que dibujar las letras :v

7 hours ago   Reply (1)
  Blue cat

╶⃝⃤Shadow ╶⃝⃤

Truly I am the one who lives at the end of the world

17 hours ago   Reply (1)
  Blue cat

╶⃝⃤Shadow ╶⃝⃤

*Mimicle is a drawing app*

17 hours ago   Reply
  Blue cat

Therians 🐾 a new topic on AM

Wow, I would like to be part of a community too, and I hope it goes well for you

1 days ago   Reply (1)
  Blue cat

╶⃝⃤Shadow ╶⃝⃤

You are on the opposite side of the world

2 days ago   Reply
  Blue cat

╶⃝⃤Shadow ╶⃝⃤

See you in 8 hours lol

2 days ago   Reply (1)
  Blue cat

My main character, and also a challenge

I will follow you because you are shadow's girlfriend

2 days ago   Reply
  Blue cat

recreation of my pfp

I like the original version better but it's great, Seriously it's great

2 days ago   Reply
  Blue cat

Good night

I'm happy for you, it's not going the same for me these days, I feel despised by everyone, although I think you shouldn't show your true face

2 days ago   Reply (1)
  Blue cat

╶⃝⃤Shadow ╶⃝⃤

You speak German?

2 days ago   Reply