Blue cat

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I am the official account of blue cat, welcome!

What should I say here?
Should I say I'm a blue cat?

I'm happy to say that my best friend is _🖤 Shadow 🖤_√⃝⃝
Follow it! It's great

This is my account to chat and draw

My other account is called blue cat world
And it is exclusive for series

I like dogs and cats


5 Following     9 Follower

  Blue cat

╶⃝⃤Shadow ╶⃝⃤

In which country are you

5 days ago   Reply (1)
  Blue cat

🎩YLBG🎩 (Member of Anti-Raci...

I lost my old account, my new account has no games, it's called: UnRandomCatache and my lost account catache

6 days ago   Reply (1)
  Blue cat

🎩YLBG🎩 (Member of Anti-Raci...

I only said it to know if it was the JE that I know, I have Julian's editor

6 days ago   Reply (1)
  Blue cat

That one fanart I made for a friend in JE

It's epic, but what is JE to you?

6 days ago   Reply (1)
  Blue cat


Epic BŒ

1 weeks ago   Reply
  Blue cat


You are a very good artist

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)
  Blue cat

StumpyGuest ✏️🏆🔥

No, bueno si pero hace tiempo no fue por eso que borre mi otra cuenta

1 weeks ago   Reply
  Blue cat

Fanart#1/ Catache

Está es mi nueva cuenta

1 weeks ago   Reply