The silly (alt)

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  The silly (alt)

candle E (NOT leaving soon)

Ok, maybe that was a little harsh..

6 days ago   Reply (3)
  The silly (alt)

candle E (NOT leaving soon)

1. The only like on the post you said that to me is from zoe/random and they are still very much on the app and 2. IF that were true then why'd you reply to ME asking that?

6 days ago   Reply
  The silly (alt)

candle E (NOT leaving soon)

Idk, if you wanted to prank someone maybe don't it after ghosting them, gaslighting them (ok not that bad gaslighting but still)

6 days ago   Reply
  The silly (alt)

candle E (NOT leaving soon)

Then why are you pretending my acc got deleted?

6 days ago   Reply (1)
  The silly (alt)

who in the entire world deleted their account

Did I seriously need to make a whole new account to talk to you? Why do you hate me now?

6 days ago   Reply (1)