Humanity is at no point of return.

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I report on the stuff that you should AVOID when I say avoid trust me, this stuff is gross, atrocious, vile. Especially if your under the age of 15. If your still like "Oh but why bring it up, I wanna look at it to see if it's true!" Or anything like that, IM HERE TO REPORT, FOR YOUR SAFETY.
(I try to follow people that aren't 13-)
(I don't mind giving shorten versions of my posts)
(I am a experienced on this app with about 7+ years of experience, but If you want me to report on someone on this app, give me details I don't get into drama on here much)

If you take part in any of the bad stuff I report, Fuck you.


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  Humanity is at no point of ...


Heh, I don't know how to do that stuff through and I'm tryna get into legal trouble unless it involves pedophiles.

2 months ago   Reply (1)
  Humanity is at no point of ...

Mini muffin

Sorry about, my friends are most male so I'm used to typing "he" "him"

2 months ago   Reply (1)
  Humanity is at no point of ...

Mini muffin

So did I get the pronouns right into he post? I put them and they

2 months ago   Reply (2)
  Humanity is at no point of ...

Mini muffin

What's the pronouns for that?
Im not good with pronouns.

2 months ago   Reply (1)
  Humanity is at no point of ...

Mini muffin

I'll make my own report of that, seen the accounts it's owned already.

2 months ago   Reply (1)
  Humanity is at no point of ...

Mini muffin

Does he have a account at the moment? Or has he not came back yet?

2 months ago   Reply (1)
  Humanity is at no point of ...

Mini muffin

Ok I could deal with that but if you wanna add more information be quick

2 months ago   Reply
  Humanity is at no point of ...

Mini muffin

Sure, but quick question, what did they do? If I'm going to make a post on him I'm gonna need to know some facts to talk about.

2 months ago   Reply (2)