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Yo im catguy
Heres somethings about me:
Real name:quintin
Age:? (Reaveling in an event)

Thing i like:
✔️Good people
✔️Folowers and (even if their not but kind)
✔️🍟 Fries
✔️Mostly art
✔️Life is roadblocks
✔️ Inagressive animals
Things i dislike:
❌Inapropriate stuff
❌People who get pissed easily (not most of them tho.)

A quote that mostly helped me..

"Boat sink when they have water on them hence they float when they dont , just like you , you should not let anything inside you or youll sink.". ~omni man

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[any song suggestions?✨🎵]

Heh , ok kaikai kitan by eve or SPECIALZ by king gnu...also im listening to 1 rn..🔥🔥🔥

1 weeks ago   Reply (2)



1 weeks ago   Reply

Drawing peoples ocs cuz am bored

Im really sorry i promise ill do it tmrw 😭😭

1 weeks ago   Reply

Drawing peoples ocs cuz am bored

Oh im so sorry im not really finished yet and im have a problem here in real life so can i continue tommorow )):

1 weeks ago   Reply

I’m not doing this anymore.

Woah woah woah , what am i missing??

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)

Didi 🎃


1 weeks ago   Reply

I dunno

This your oc?

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)

Pick a spot

6 n 4..TAKEN

1 weeks ago   Reply

Get blocked red imposter

Wha- whats with this commotion?

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)


Damn its just mornin here in ma country /:

1 weeks ago   Reply


Ive already drawn ur oc in your spot ((:

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)

Pick a spot

Sure.. 1 IS TAKEN

1 weeks ago   Reply


Totes? 🤔

1 weeks ago   Reply (1)