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What would u do if I was a dog ÔwŌ
I would love you forever and hug you andet you
If I just left right now nobody would care...
I care to
Comment if this looks Similarly its from Roblox
555 I'm guessing?
I'm patches remember!!
Uhh hi?
Only for happy cat and trexz
A baby cat!!
Runs outside too)I just wanna know
Runs into den and she's happy and sits by her)what wrong?
Hears it from den)
Hears crying)
Ummmmmm mabey I dunno
I mean wife heheh
Hàppy will you made me?
(Ears pick up and runs and drops box and emidiently kisses her)
Why!!!she is my gf I need to kiss her sometimes!!
Happy I ñeed to ask you something...
(Then when Luna isn't look runs over to happy and kisses her)
Cuddles ❤
(Sits in corner and rubs face and gives Luna a glare)