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Hello lm a frog ~(⊙<>⊙)~ boooooo
1 Following 21 Follower
67: what's this...huh? // 1: ...
67: drawing se- // 1: <looks down>
Eddie: ?
Eddie: *sharp claws*...
Eddie: *looks at hands*...
Eddie: *waves*
Samuel: who wants donuts~?
Samuel: here you go gives you *donuts*
???: ~♡
Sally: girl side: no no no it didn't! // john: ...
???: *girl side*: did you here that john boy side: yes sally l did...
???: *girl and boy* really...
???: *girl side waves boy side looks away*
Sal and lly: *screaming blushing*!?!?!?!?!!
Sal and lly: ...
Sal lly: ???
Samuel: ...
Samuel: *takes out gun*...
I was looking at spotify and.... l found this song that said go fuck your self and the picture had 4 legs on a bed...
Samuel: hey!?!
Meet Alexa
Ano: no?
I don't know I'm bored ://///`3