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Hello! I love Anime and I always wanted to create one! And now I am! I am not a good drawer but I'll try ^^ I also join contents to draw!!
Now here's more about meee:
I am borned on Feb 7th On Earth!! (Aussie!!!) N.S.W Sydney! 200_?? (U can guess my birth year yourself! XD) ^o^
i'm between 9 to 15 yrs old,
i'm a girl, ^_^
I learn how to speak Japanese ( a little ) but I can't write >~<
i'm Korean :D 안녕하세요! ^ㅂ^
I have 3 younger sisters they r good at drawing! One of my sister is too young to have this app so there is only 2 sisters using this app (including me is 3)
So don't forget to follow me, my other account and my 2 sisters account if u see em!!
Other account (Me) : AnimeLover1350Sonya
Sisters: AnimeLoverKorina & AnimeLoverRenae

My character is Named as " Misuki- Chan " !! (Main Character)
And now I'll tell u more about her!

She a girl!! XD
She only 13 yrs old!
She's quite sensitive
Eye colour : Blue
Hair Colour: Yellow
Japanese!!! / Korean !!! / English!!!
Goes High school
She have 8 siblings and she's the 3rd youngest! (Including her it's 9 siblings!)
She have 3 brothers and 4 sisters!
She doesn’t have a crush yet

Now i'm gonna tell u the oldest to youngest order of Misuki and her siblings!
1) Momoka-Chan! (Girl) 19 yrs old (Twin with Seji)
2) Seji-Kun! (Boy) 19 yrs old (Twin with Momoka)
3) Taro-Kun (Boy) 18 yrs old
4) Sakura-Chan! (Girl) 16 yrs old
5) Nanami-Chan (Girl) 15 yrs old
6) Ryou-Kun (Boy) 14 yrs old
7) Misuki-Chan! (Girl) 13 and yrs old (Me-Main Character)
8) Mika! (Baby Girl) 5 yrs old
9) Akio! (Baby Boy) 3 yrs old

I hope u guys meet them all!!
And I know so don’t ask... she have a lot of siblings!

Update : I just realized how much I wrote! Lol!

And that's it!
Until next time... Bye!


7 跟随     6 追随者


Broken sister

I never imagined u posted it ~~ (it looks pretty good

7 years ago   回复

Blue dog


7 years ago   回复

Anime 2

잘 그렸네요!!!

7 years ago   回复

Anime 2


7 years ago   回复

New series- Horror stories

"movies/ episodes " whatever u said...... this wasn't even horror at all..... -_- try to make it more terrified ... but I know t won't effect me cuz horror doesn't even scares me anwyway! bye I hope up heard my car moment and so long!!!

7 years ago   回复

New series- Horror stories

What u said in ur description is ok ... it looks like ur in a aggressive side..... no effense but this isn't even horror at all..... I was reading all rin kagamine's comments in one of her animations and I read ur comment " I need people to see my horror

7 years ago   回复

- Onee chan say ??? " paka" ( • w • ")

I'm sure Japanese ppl says Baka for saying senpai or something... ( In my opinion !! don't JUDGE )

7 years ago   回复


Aww~ Thx!

7 years ago   回复