Ms InsaniTea

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Hi! I'm Ms InsaniTea,

Here's the story of my Life:
I was born in Japan, my parents died in a car accident when I was 4, and ever since I was living with a foster family in America. My foster brother, aka, Kreyul Arroyal Williams, is my roommate now. I'm 17, and I also have breast cancer. And yes. Kreyul WAS named after a webtoon/manga character. His parents are anime nerds :3


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  Ms InsaniTea

I was bored

Make My OC Enola kissing EJ :P

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Rj: what the fuck happened last night?//ÔwÔ.....//Ej: =^=.....fuk u

Enola: I'm genderless so, I just went into guy mode for a sec, kissed you, and took a picture for gay pride. :P me: Enola wait till I tell Hades about this....

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

I was bored

Eh. I could do better tho.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Rj: what the fuck happened last night?//ÔwÔ.....//Ej: =^=.....fuk u

Enola: *kisses EJ randomly, snaps a self of it, and posts it on Facebook*. Me: *facepalm* dear Lord...

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

I was bored

My stuff is crappy.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

I was bored

:3 good job.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Rj: what the fuck happened last night?//ÔwÔ.....//Ej: =^=.....fuk u

Enola: alright EJ who'd you fuck? Me: *smacks the back of Enola's head* DUMBASS.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Jacob : ~

Enola: sorry random moment.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Lily : ~

Enola: sea Luno? I'm not a shellfish person, it's you whose fishy! Luno: AAAH S-STAHP WITH THE DAMN PUNS..

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Jacob : ~

Enola: *puts on MLG glasses* I'm boss! Luno: (- - ;)

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Lily : ~

Enola: WAZZUP!

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

November : ....

Diablo: Enola's getting married.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

November : ....

Diablo: what's wrong? (〽〰〽)

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

November : ....

Diablo: hey November!

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Jacob : ~

Luno: *smacks Enola on the back of the head* sorry about shim.. they need to put a filter on their mouth.. Enola: whatever..

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Jacob : ~

Enola: *wolf whistles* daamn.. your cute!

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Dare me!

Enola: I want that tux...(0〰 0) I have my pride...

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Dare me!

I dare you to have a fake wedding with Enola!!!!! Enola has no gender so put them in a dress or a tux idc

6 years ago   Reply