Ms InsaniTea

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Hi! I'm Ms InsaniTea,

Here's the story of my Life:
I was born in Japan, my parents died in a car accident when I was 4, and ever since I was living with a foster family in America. My foster brother, aka, Kreyul Arroyal Williams, is my roommate now. I'm 17, and I also have breast cancer. And yes. Kreyul WAS named after a webtoon/manga character. His parents are anime nerds :3


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  Ms InsaniTea

Hades is pissed at Enola for slacking off in the job.

Enola: I was talking about Hades not you Cotton, why, ya jealous~?

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Hades is pissed at Enola for slacking off in the job.

Enola: *points at Hades* and he just smooched meh.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Hades is pissed at Enola for slacking off in the job.

Enola: *sings the the song my first kiss like a boss*

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Grey : *is a rabbit and shaking from his cold she is* ...

Enola: *takes off jacket and wraps it around gray*

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Hades is pissed at Enola for slacking off in the job.

Enola: an if you remember correctly Cotton, you, were pretty much my first kiss >:3 remember when you assumed my gender??

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Hades is pissed at Enola for slacking off in the job.

Enola: I call kissing someone out of the blue mouth rape.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Hades is pissed at Enola for slacking off in the job.

Hades: *rolls eyes* hey Enola you forget about me? Enola: . . . . (≥^≤) no. You mouth Raped me.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Hades is pissed at Enola for slacking off in the job.

Enola: I'm very aware of my name... It's ironic because I have no gender, and I never really dated anyone. So I'm alone.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Hades is pissed at Enola for slacking off in the job.

Hades: who you callin small cherry I'm 7'9.

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Hades is pissed at Enola for slacking off in the job.

Hades: *kisses Enola in front of everyone* ~. Enola: !!!!!!!!!!!! (0////0)

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Hades is pissed at Enola for slacking off in the job.

Enola: *mumbles* Hades, you an asshat...

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Hades is pissed at Enola for slacking off in the job.

Hades: no buts. Enola: *looks away slightly blushing*

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Hades is pissed at Enola for slacking off in the job.

Hades: Enola is my lo- messenger. They need to do their job right. (=_=)

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea


Enola: then don't fucking assume my gender ♥

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea


Enola: *kisses Cotton dead on the mouth* HA. I was in male form when I kissed you >:3

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Here's your dares (order in desc)

Enola: damn... I hate to admit it, but we'd make a cute couple. Me: *facepalm* dear God Enola you already kissed EJ as a male for gay pride and now that...

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

I was bored

Don't ask it's a long story..

6 years ago   Reply
  Ms InsaniTea

Rj: what the fuck happened last night?//ÔwÔ.....//Ej: =^=.....fuk u

Enola: *falls over laughing more than LJ can pull off*

6 years ago   Reply