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New hero with different parts of him
4 Following 2 Follower
Hai hai hai!!!
*polls the trige*
I mean bye
Ok ok al leave * poin's a gun at his head* bey
Ok I do how but your veary veary cute right now and that is a cute animal
New meh
But you are really really really cute <3 I like the cat face achuly I love cat's
Np <3
I want to tell you that you very beautiful just saying and being nice
Sun burn: HI
Die die die everyone
*Sean's this place on fire to let memere's die >:)
Thank you * leave to behind a not and a rose the not seas for you thank you *
*hold's a gun up to him* *give''s him the gun* kill me
I'm crested to live for eternudy
*vanishes out of thin air* you don't now what I do
*look's at him with a dark eye with blood coming from it*
Ok that look's cute
Guys be quiet I'm tiredddddds
It's ok be happy :)
Opp!love: umm......))heart: it's not what is looks like... ))Opp!Heart: * mad af* brother...))Love: no.... Just no....
I losted love I can't find it enymore
I have 2449 animes
Good for you
I have no love enymore I'm dead in side