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Hello, My name is Edge, I hope you'll have a good time here! I'll be really happy to make new friends! (Please decipher this message)
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JoIN mY CLuD !!!1111!!11!!11!
Can I?
( she laughs and grabs your arm "your going to go into the human zoo.)
( she asks you if your a gem and you have a diamond )
( a tall figure stands in front of you and stares at you confused of what you are )
Dark:*kills a elk*
*Hisses sadly and walks back*that poor elk...
*runs away*poor elk...
Rin with her hair down
It's so pretty!
*chases him and snatches it back growling whenever he tries getting it back*mrr...
*comes out and drags the elk away* mrrr...
Cherry:...I can't see.. ???:*laughs*
Who is this..?
Blu? *Eyes are grey* ???:*coughs blood and growls*....
Abzu ( Oc )
(but God is a boy goddess is a girl xD)
Anubis ( Oc )
Ehh what the frickkkkkkkk!! Why u no tell?
Anubis. Can you tell me why the flip my family is evil?
*shakes him* TELLL MEEEEEEE!!
No, I need to ask you something. WHY THE FLIP IS MY FAMILY EVVIIIILLLL?
Me: MPFF! | ???: - lifts her chin - soon.. - laughs evily - SOOON! ( wtf XD? ) ( FOR CHERRY )
!!! *Picks her up and looks around*where's the exit around here?
Abzuuuuu I need yyyyooouuuu!!