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Hello, My name is Edge, I hope you'll have a good time here! I'll be really happy to make new friends! (Please decipher this message)
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Cherry:*heart crumbles*... *}
I was curious! Cherry:*walks away to go see 'someone**
Meet droplet, our lost sister ;-; she was late in birth so.. She's like this..
(me too..)*hugs more*:33
Cherry:.. edge:so that's what it does..oops ;3;"
I know many things, some things that your parents don't know...
*is still on diabolos head* c'mon, please~?
Yes.. I am your sister (cough cough, LIES!)
*hugs*I'll look after you..
*in a locked room*what is this stuff anyway? ???:Just hold it!
???:just, do it edge:sure.
Cherry:*jumps on diabolos as cat* Because your cool~
Do your parents know you yet?
At* cherry* me:Ravanna,Blu,fume, cherry:he's just as rude as his sister!
Chaos,criminal,*le point as cherry*chery., Cherry:I don't count! You already know me!
Meet fume, ravanna's brother ( Oc ) ( FOR CHERRY
No. She is *points at cherry*, cherry:*has the most disgusted face* your just as rude as your sister...
Where'd she go? Cherry:*shrug shrug*
Maybe... Cherry: Howwwwww
Oh shiat.
Meet cherry!
Cherry:Wot wott?!! Me:I just know alot \-3-/
I.. know to much about your family ;3;" cherry:*glare*wot wot?
Arch: - smirks - you fool..
Cherry:who's da fool? Me:him :P
*pulls hand away* ehhh.. cherry:*tugs edges shoulder*, be nice! one..? Cherry:it's my friend :T