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Hello, My name is Edge, I hope you'll have a good time here! I'll be really happy to make new friends! (Please decipher this message)
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Meet Sav and Ior
Ehhh.. *runs to find savior* brahhh?!
Rin: *screaming Senpai and holding a doll she made*
Cray and Z's fusion, Crazy XDDD
*nibbles his claw* mew! Ò^Ó
Did was Ren birdo(standing as a human rn) but he's dead now
Where are you smol birdo? *Pouncing around*
Savior: .....*coughs and shakes*
Savior! *Walks up to him* you okay?
I'm no human! *Turns into cat* IMMA KITY CAT! *Runs off to go find the birdos* birdo!
Oml* (auto correct ._.)
Only xD
*goes back down and claws at the exit* mrew!
I wanna go on your head tho!
Nu! *Turns into kitty and climbs up his arms* MEW! YOU TOO BIGG! ._.
Can I go geettt it???
WHY YOU SO BIG? *Pat's his face* MERRRR
Alrigh,- wait what? SAVIOR WERE ARE YOU?!
You so big ._.
Aww poor birdo. Where's the birdos body?
Holy sh-
Oml are you okay?
Fun fact!
I can play many things, mostly undertale >:3 (also, just call me edge ._.)