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Hey guys the high school rp starts here anyone could join no need to ask
(maybe later bye)
(idk gtg my mom is yelling at my and my cus)
(he said yes in real life XD) me:*Flys home together* (gtg family stuff)
Me:cus do u want to get on my back?
me and Oscar: *gets stuff*
Me:cus are u ok u are eating away to fast!
*flys to Lunch *
*bells ring for lunch*
me:*sits bye my cousin* Hey cus!*and draws me as a Phoenix*(hois!)
Highschool rp starts here!
me:*does all the rest of part 1 of fanf 5* welp that the end of the video byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
me:*shocks Ballora and cries* :~:
me:*shocks Ballora and one ti
me:burh u scared me but do you want to shock her?
me:i didn't hear anything?
me:what? shock Ballora no why would i do that?!?!?!?
me:*checks Ballora*
(ok)me:*looks that ballora gallery*