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Sorry this account is not being used anymore for good :/
20 Following 27 Follower
Good night...
What's the point? If Blu is gonna leave why should I stay?
Because.. u have fans that look up to you,. I don't
I'm sorry Blu this is all my fault. I feel A B S O L U A T Y H O R R I B L E
This isn't ur fault..
L E A V E.. M E.. A L O N E
This isn't ur fault
I'm leaving
I have no friends or fans
I feel hollow what's the point of staying?
U have over 200 followers..
I have no fans.. all the followers I have don't care about me..
Of course u meant her... no one cares about me..
Just because I'm leaving doesn't mean you have to leave...
.. at least u have people asking u to stay..
For bunny
U copied the heart part 6 days ago and u never did that till I did, I flipped through all ur posts and i saw when u first started using my style, 6 days ago
Le messages
I broke my toe ;3;
I hit my toe on the corner of a hard chair
Well it's kinda dumb..
Look at Puter
I'm not trying to be rube but r u using meh eye style?
Ask+Dare The gang!
Yell I love you to moon
I dare... happy to..
See no one even cares that I'm leaving
. . .